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Greg White

Mentor EMplus
  • Greg White

    Greg White


Greg White

I am an Emergency Physician based at Westmead Hospital, a major trauma referral centre in Western Sydney. Our hospital is a stones throw from a racing drag strip where anyone with a motorbike and a dream can have a go, as well as a maximum security prison where a surprising number of inmates hurt themselves in the library. I also spend part of my week working at Auburn Hospital, a smaller metropolitan centre in Sydney’s West, that thankfully is in a quieter neighbourhood.

Contributing to education of ED trainees working towards their fellowship through a variety of different local programs, as well as reassuring wide eyed medical students that ED physicians can actually get things done despite the chaos and noise of busy departments comprises the bulk of my teaching portfolio.

I’m originally from Vancouver, Canada, but have been in Australia so long that people often mistake me for being Irish.

Looking forward to trading war stories and sharing experiences during the EM Masterclass series.